名前:Amane Kaoru
- 都内の美術大学で彫刻を学んだ後、会社員として働く。
- 自分らしい創作活動を求めて陶芸の道に進むことを決意し、会社を辞め修行後、独立。
- 現在は「Amairo Studio」という工房で、作品制作に取り組んでいる。
- 新しいデザインと伝統技法の融合が特徴で、モダンな色使いとシンプルで機能的な形が魅力。
- 自然や日常生活からインスピレーションを得た作品が多く、特に植物や水に関連したデザインが得意。
- 食器からインテリア装飾品まで幅広いアイテムを手掛ける
- 日本の陶芸の伝統技術とモダンなデザインを掛け合わせ、日々の生活に取り入れられる作品を生み出すことを目指している。
- 初心者からプロまで、陶芸の魅力を広く伝えるために、ワークショップや展示会での発信にも積極的。
Name: Amane Kaoru
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
After studying sculpture at an art university in Tokyo, I worked as a company employee. Seeking a more personal creative outlet, I decided to pursue a career in pottery. After leaving my job and undergoing training, I established myself as an independent artist. I am currently dedicated to creating works at my studio, “Amairo Studio.”
Years of Experience: 2 years
Artistic Style:
My work is characterized by a fusion of innovative designs and traditional techniques, featuring modern color schemes and simple, functional forms. Many of my pieces draw inspiration from nature and everyday life, with a particular focus on designs related to plants and water. I create a wide range of items, from tableware to interior decorations.
My goal is to blend traditional Japanese pottery techniques with modern design to create pieces that can be integrated into daily life. To widely share the charm of pottery with both beginners and professionals, I actively participate in workshops and exhibitions.